




Quite honestly, my excitement couldn’t be more palpable if I actually knew what “palp” was.

I don’t use the word “hallelujah” lightly. As a matter of fact, I rarely use it at all. It’s difficult to say, even more difficult to spell and it connotes a connection either to religion or that famous Leonard Cohen song, which have both been overdone and usually under deliver. But, as the parent of a 5-11 year old child (my 7 year old daughter Scarlett to be exact. I’m not THAT bad with remembering names and birthdays) I can think of no better word to describe my reaction for the announcement this week that Health Canada has approved the Pfizer-BioNTech children’s vaccine to be administered here in, wait for it… Canada. Quite honestly, my excitement couldn’t be more palpable if I actually knew what “palp” was. Hopefully it’s not that stuff in orange juice. Because that stuff is gross. But I digress.

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