



Why I feel entitled to mock the grossly entitled.

Suing a yacht company for taking you out to sea is like suing an elevator company for getting you up to other levels in a building faster than taking the stairs.

I’m sorry (but not really sorry) to say that sometimes hearing of the misfortune of people with vast fortunes makes me feel like a billion bucks. Such as the story that emerged this week of billionaire Ottawa Senators owner Eugene Melnyk and his super yacht excursion gone super wrong. Apparently the trip, booked last December (when most decent people were putting aside personal travel plans for the greater good of humankind) was derailed by an “odorous” British captain who wouldn’t cater to Melnyk’s whims to navigate the super yacht too close to shore and hence subjected the party to the rough seas of the ocean. Which is hilarious to me. Suing a yacht company for taking you out to sea is like suing an elevator company for getting you up to other levels in a building faster than taking the stairs.

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