In honour of myself, I took today off from writing the column for Father’s Day. However, I did just write a whole book about Dadding called “Dad Up!” so here’s a little about my dad. Hope you can enjoy some memories of your dad today or even better, make some new memories with him. 

Happy Father’s Day!





My Dad, “Slim”

...that meant talking to John Chester Patterson—the man my brothers and I have always referred to as Slim.

The first thing you should do when you find out you’re becoming a father is talk to your own father to see what advice he has to offer. In my case, that meant talking to John Chester Patterson—the man my brothers and I have always referred to as Slim. Born in 1931 in Gaspé, a small city in Northern Quebec, Slim would eventually be the oldest of ve children. He grew up in lean times (a gentle way of referring to the Great Depression) and became the man of the house at a young age because his father was away a lot (he was a military man). My dad would do whatever he could to bring in money for the household, including taking work as a delivery boy and an assistant at the local lumberyard.

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Steve Patterson's second book, "Dad Up!" hits stores June 1!