



Let’s all try to remember how to restaurant.

...this seems like as good a time as any to go over basic dining out etiquette...

Restaurant patios in Toronto just re-opened at midnight on Friday and many people were gleefully lined up to try to catch up on months and months of NOT consuming beverages on a patio with strangers, within the first 2 hours if possible (it’s not important how I researched this). So, with the re-opening of restaurants for “dining in” options, even if the ‘dine in’ has to happen outside on a patio that may or may not have been a street lane open to vehicular traffic as recently as that afternoon, this seems like as good a time as any to go over basic dining out etiquette which many of us, especially those of us with SMALL children who have eaten exclusively at their own homes every day for the past 455 days consecutively (but who’s counting? I am, clearly) could likely use a quick refresher course in…

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